to run or not to run ?

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo - yes, it's a hallmark-type holiday but it's so much fun (if you have the right type of friends to share it with). Having fun last night made this morning really difficult to get up and out the door for a run - couple that with endless days of rain - I thought that maybe I should walk. Instead I ran.  4-miles - easy peasy, right? ha. After the first 1/2 mile I almost regretted my decision to run. Something I've forgotten to mention is that on Tuesday I had a mole removed on my side.  The doctor, a spunky, old Army doctor, put in a few extra sutures. .. as she said, 'I know you're not, not going to run. . .might as well give you some extra support.' My side hurt, my quads hurt, my head hurt. . .I'm a mess. The run itself was mediocre but it was also something else.  The rain was coming down, the birds were chirping - everything is electric green. . .fresh and clean.  I'm glad I got out there today. until tomorrow. . .


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