5 miles -

When Ori woke me up at 0530 this morning the first sound (other than Ori) I heard was the familiar patter of rain - pouring rain - fortunately Ori heard it too and elected to stay in bed while I made my morning bathroom call.  I peeked outside and crawled back into bed - Ori didn't seem to mind, he curled up right next to me and settled back in to sleep. He started moving around again about 0645 so we did our normal cuddle/ 'rub my belly, mom'/scratch my head/ 'oh, I love you, I'm going to lay on my back while you rub my belly and thump-thump-thump my tail until you get a bruise on your shins' routine. Yes, I love my dog- all 90lbs of him.  Fortunately, by this time it's stopped pouring and the next hour of waking up, making coffee, reading emails was uneventful. . . reluctant to get up and out the door, but knowing I must - I dug in my shorts drawer and pulled out of booty shorts I only wear when it's raining (you all know the struggle of running in the rain w/ wet flapping shorts/shirts) and a shirt.  Ori is going crazy - like he always does as soon as I get out my running clothes.  By crazy I mean he's continually picking up and dropping his tennis ball at my feet -the one I tripped on in the dark at 0530- and wagging his tail. This dog keeps life interesting.  Somehow, without really changing anything about my morning routine, it's already 0815 - WTH?! How is it so late?! Sigh.  Such is my life.  Somehow I've managed to waste the last hour which is going to seriously cut into my running time. . .and 3 miles this morning just isn't going to cut it.  I want more. . It's a perfect morning for a run. .. I wasn't going to let time stop me. I started running, I started running arm-pumping frantically fast. .. .with a soft mist and cooler temperatures I was willing to push the pace.  Whoa! Run, Run, Run. .. Run I did.  I came alive once I made it to the trail - hopping over logs, twisting and turning along the trail. (no knee pain, no back pain, no calf pain) I haven't felt this good in months.  Ori was very confused by the pace but he was loving it just as much as me.  I haven't had a run this good in months. . . hmmm.  But now, hours out my head hurts, I'm hungry and tired.  Such is life.  I'm going to blame it on the booty shorts.


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