From winter to summer overnight

If you've been reading these posts (hmmmm?) or when I go back to read this log, I'll remember the it's been raining for weeks on end [not like we're counting anymore. . we stopped counting at 16 days in a row and that was over a week ago].  This morning was the first morning in a long time where I woke up and the sun was shining. . but let's back up a bit.  Last night I settled in and started reading a new book, the Son, it's the latest in the Giver series and I was enthralled.  I got to bed at a decent hour but Ori was scooting around at 0245. I tried to ignore him but then I broke out in a nasty sweat where I was nauseous and just plain miserable.  I got up, tried to let him out (the little stinker never got out of bed), peed and chugged a glass of water.  I spent the next hour looking at the weather, FAcebook, etc. because, hey, that's what you do when you can't sleep.  I didn't want to wake up when the beast started stirring again just before 0600. This time he was ready to get up and I acquiesced. Got out for a slow and steady 5 miler- trails were wet but not too bad, the spider webs were there and fungi is starting to make an appearance.  Overall it was a good run - I won't say that it was good and I won't say it was bad.  It just was. . oh, I peeled off my shirt about a mile in. . mid-40s to mid-60s in 24-hours. .yeah. . I overheated, too.


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