Rest - Day #4 - Wednesday

Rest days are always the hardest for me.  Even after a big event I'm always out and about the next day - I blame Ori for that but even without his puppy dog eyes and boundless energy I'd still be up and moving because the reality is that moving really does help with your recovery.  Today was active rest day #4 - After the ICY 8 I was up and running on Wednesday morning and I felt relief [and, do I say say, Euphoria?!] - I was back! I couldn't run today if I tried.  No, that's not true.  I could run if I had to but my quads would scream at me and I'd set myself back a few notches and I'm beyond hurting myself for a quick hit of endorphins.  Ha! So, instead of running I was out walking the trails w/ Ori - off to see if the mountain laurel is in bloom (not quite yet) - My Garmin says I'm at ~ 6 miles for the day - so much for resting.  

"Trust the timing of your life. . ."  Applies here, too. 


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