5 miles- rainy - Wednesday -

A few quick observations-
-Compared to last Wednesday I'm feeling amazing.  With the Historic Half coming up on Sunday, and minimal residual pain in my hips, knee and calf, I've been pushing myself more than usual.  It feels utterly amazing. What that translates to for the half I have no clue but I do know that I'm pushing harder than I have in months.
-This morning was a great, uneventful 5-miler.  Oh, of note, I did dig out my new, purchased over 6 months ago [Small Business Saturday sale @ River Rock], back up pair of trail shoes.  I'm officially retiring the Merrells [the other pair I picked up @ River Rock on Small Business Saturday] I've been wearing all winter - they're stinky, the plastic in the toe is starting to wear through and well, they are trashed.  Well done!
- I'm committing to sort through my running gear at some point in the next few weeks. . tossing the shirts that stink, retiring the shorts that are big and flappy and regaining some closest/wardrobe space.. . oh, and buying new socks. . all of mine are trashed (just like the shoes).

-It's still raining - -apparently it's going to continue raining through June - or so says that weatherman on the radio today -- good news for my garden - bad news for the trails (and sanity).

-sidenote: when running the trail (you know, in the middle of the woods) and you smell something dead - do NOT go investigate. . .


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