Active Rest Day #4 - 4 Miles

For the first time this week I woke up and my quads didn't hurt - it was sign to get moving again - by moving again I mean that it was a sign to get running again.  Last night I promised Ori that he could go to daycare today and I'd be mistaken if that dog doesn't have the brain of a child and at 4:30 he was wiggling and squiggling around in the bed - fortunately it was just a bathroom break and then at 6:15 I awoke to a 90lb lab kerplunking down in my lap.  "Mom, wake up! Wake up, now. . I want to wake up."  I thought he needed another potty break.  Yeah, no - after getting up and walking him to the outside door he stood there looking at me like I was crazy.  I asked him if he wanted his breakfast at which point he turned around and went to the closet where I store his dog food.  He is too smart. . . sigh.  So, because I'm a good mom, he got his breakfast, I made my coffee, got myself cleaned up and off to daycare we went.  He was so happy.  It makes my heart happy when he is obviously so very, very happy.  Normally on daycare days I'll swing by the quarry on my way home for a change of scenery - The quarry is still waterlogged - my shoes are still new enough that I don't want them ruined so soon - driving up Rt3 I remember, too late, that I could always head up to Pratt Park. . yes, on days without Ori and the quarry is waterlogged I should try to run at Pratt. .. . next time.  When I finally got out for my run my intention was to log a few (2) miles and get back home.  I was not so surprisingly greeted with semi-tired legs but man, running again felt great! I love to run - When I got to the trail I logged an extra few (2) more miles than originally intended - it felt wonderful.  At home I did my usual stretches, planks, pushups. . . Everything seemed to be in order.  It feels good to be back without an agenda.  Training will commence soon enough - for now I'm going to enjoy these lackadaisical mornings.


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