some days you just gotta keep running

I've started to embrace these wet, cool, misty mornings - What's the saying? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em - I set out this morning w/ Ori mostly to get him out and burn off some energy. We set out just as the church crowd was making their way to the church for Sunday services. I opted to head up the hill instead of out through the neighborhood - time to test the legs with some hill work. We had to dodge some cars but it was worth it. Heading out of the neighborhood we were stopped by Kristy and then again by Dave and Boris. It felt like our run was never going to get going but at the same time it was nice to catch up w/ friends. It started to get misty and the rain started to pick up so I made our goodbyes and we continued on our way.  Something happened when I stepped onto the trail - for the most part the standing water had drained and I felt really good.  Ori was off romping around and exploring all the new smells. Everything was fresh and green - there's something really magical about being in the woods either while it's raining or just after it's rained.  [sidenote: I'm surprised that I've seen very little fungi - with all of this rain I expected to see more] I wasn't sure how far I was going to go, I didn't have my water or fuel - that didn't matter - when I got to the point where I normally turn around to come home (for a 5 miler) I kept running down to the creek.  From the creek I decided to run the full perimeter for a good 10 miles. I took it slow and easy and enjoyable.  Some days you just gotta keep running.  


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