Mother's Day run - for the non-human mothers - 9.5 miles

Happy Mother's Day! - Ori was such a good boy this morning.  Right about 0530 he woke me up but for whatever reason he never got out of bed when I did - okay, that's cool.  After getting up for a bathroom break myself, I climbed back into bed, Ori squirmed up next to me, laid his head on the pillow and we slept that way until 0700.  Such a good boy - Momma needed the sleep.  Kelley got to the house right at 0800 and we set out for a 8-10 mile run.  I'm tired. . I'm still tired.  I ran yesterday (7.5 miles) and it wasn't pretty - it was a beautiful day but my legs felt like lead. I'm glad that Kelley ran w/ me this morning. Had we not made plans to run together I would have bagged, no, that's not true but it wouldn't have been as long of a run or as enjoyable.  It took us right about 2 hours - perfect! 63 degrees, wind is blowing. I wrapped it up a/ 35 pushups, stretching and a 30-second plank.  Enjoying a nice brunch followed by errands before crashing in the hammock and enjoying this Mother's Day!


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