So it's been a while since I last updated. It's funny because while I'm running I think about what I should write, how I'm feeling, the various things that I'm seeing, etc. Yet, when all is said an done, I never end up writing and a month will go by where I'm still running but not writing. Tonight I went for an amazing 7-miler. The temps were in the mid to upper 30's and there was not a cloud in the sky. Today was also the third day in a row that I've gotten my butt out there so my muscles were heavy and in need of a respite. . but that will be reserved for tomorrow.

Last Friday it was perhaps the warmest January day that I can remember. Thursday night I was exhausted when I got home from the Annex so I canceled my meeting and tutoring and found my way to bed by 1800. Friday I ran for about 6 miles and did some yoga in the middle of the river on a big boulder. It was a beautiful, restorative day.

The previous Friday was the coldest January day that I can remember, and my run was just about the same route. My efforts to venture out into the cold were rewarded when I saw a heron, an owl and lots of cardinals. It was a strangely beautiful day, too.

Still debating GW - I can do it, I know that I can, it's just a matter of putting myself through the motion. Ugh. Chances are I'm in.


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