Ohio down & 1 more [scheduled] to go

This last Saturday morning I set out for Ohio running a slight fever and not really knowing what to expect of my marathon on Sunday. We had, in my opinion, unseasonably warm temperatures last week. . think temperatures you'd expect on a June/July/August morning in October. .  [I was not a fan] and the temperatures seemed to have a direct effect on my running and health. I haven't been sleeping at night and the lack of sleep hasn't helped much. But this post will end on a good note and I will stop complaining [for now].
I left Virginia and the temps were still unseasonably warm but the humidity was down. Even though I was feeling 'off' I went out for a 30-minute run. . . I needed a preventative run for the 7 hours I was about to spend alone in the car.  By the time I arrived in Ohio I was wishing I had packed more winter-type clothing. The forecast was for temps in the mid-40s with a 50% chance of rain after 2 pm. As it turned out, it was 42F, felt like 38F, at 5:30 am with the rain set to hold off until the afternoon. I made coffee, toasted my bagel, bundled myself up [complete with gloves and a hat] and made the drive to the race start. I'd meant to leave at 6 am but anyone who knows me knows that time was really just a target and I ended up leaving more like 6:10. Despite leaving later than expected I was one of the first participants to arrive and scored one of the worst possible parking spaces. Think of it like this [start. . .1/4 miles --> parking/ski resort/restrooms. 1/4mile.--> Finish].. yep, the parking attendants filled in closest to the start. The roads closed an hour before the actual start for the walkers so we had a full hour to hang out in the cold. .or sit in our cars, which I chose to do. I talked with my boyfriend despite being upset for something he'd done Friday evening [found out after arriving in Ohio] and couldn't shake my emotions. Around 7:45 am, I decided I should probably get myself ready. . put on my shoes, backpack, gloves. . one last trip to the bathroom [now empty] and run the 1/4 mile to the race start. I arrived just in time for the pre-race summary so I kept to the front of the pack with the thought that people could pass me but I wasn't going to fight my way to the appropriate area behind the starters when there were only about 300 people. . . .So all of that being said - I had an awesome marathon. Maybe it was the temperature hoovering right around 40F and maybe it was running into another ultra-, trail-runner [spotted wearing a Camelback and trail shoes] around mile 10 and running together for the next 16 miles.Whatever it was. . I can't complain because I set a new PR -and took 20 minutes off my last marathon time.
Here are my mile splits:
[1] 8:37:53 - [2] 9:37:40 [remove coat]- [3] 9:23:56- [4] 9:39:00- [5] 9:40:50- [6] 9:38:50- [7] 9:34:65- [8] 9:21:64- [9] 9:57:28- [10] 9:28:18- [11] 9:25: 83- [12] 9:28:54- [13] 9:25:99- [14] 9:24:65- [15] 9:15:49- [16] 9:44:62- [17] 9:53:88- [18] 9:09:04- [19] 9:25:37- [20] 9:20:46- [21] [22] 19:01:03- [23] 9:25:86- [24] 9:24:61- [25] 9:45:50- [26.2] 11:10:84 = 4:08:20 [official 4:08:19:51]
The irony is that I feel absolutely amazing. Despite a bit of a head cold, the rest of my body feels absolutely amazing. Shouldn't I be walking like an old lady by now? Shouldn't I be running slower instead of faster and stronger?

Anyway, I have one more marathon on my schedule. . Marine Corps Marathon, 28 October. Two weekends off to get out to the woods for a hike!


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