New Shoes!

I decided after I tanked on Saturday that I needed new shoes.  Really, I decided that I needed new shoes before Saturday but Saturday afternoon was the day I finally decided to stop in at VARunner while I was on my way to Wegmans. Lately I've become reluctant to run errands. . . that's off topic and a completely different subject. . . so actually stopping was a minor victory. Anyway, I stopped in the store and recognized 1 of 8 employees. At the forefront of my thoughts is whether I should switch to trail shoes or if I should stay in the same shoe and honestly, I didn't feel too confident that these kids, that didn't know me or my running style, would be very helpful. I shouldn't feel that way but if I can go for a year in the same set of shoes, run the trails as often as I do, run back to back marathons, ultras, and road races . .sans injury. .I hope that you can understand my hesitation. I asked for a specific employee and walked out with the promise to return when he was there.
---> Fast Forward to Tuesday Evening

Last night after work I made the trip up to Central Park where Remy & Greg talked trails and shoes with me. In the end we decided that I should stay in the Brooks Defyance given the specific trails I run and the amount of pavement thrown into the mix  .. I met up with a friend for a pint, rushed over to the museum for a lecture, watched the presidential debate. .. basically I stayed up way too late (midnight). That didn't stop me from waking up naturally (or is it my neighbor's alarm) bright and early at 0600. ... and as a reward this morning I ran a 42:28 5-miler. I could feel that something was different with my feet; specifically I could feel discomfort in the sides of my feet but overall, I'd pretty much forgotten what new shoes feel like. It was a rockin' run!

News Flash: After Marine Corps next weekend I'm seriously considering trying Paleo again. 


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