Intervals? Speed? What?

I decided this morning to start incorporating intervals/speed work into my workouts once a week in an effort to build up to an all out speed workout in the coming weeks. With the bulk of my schedule completed this season my focus can shift from recovery/preparation to training again. In an effort to be smart about it I decided to stick to sporadic intervals interlaced with a typical four mile run. I've been sleeping really well lately but have been having a terrible time waking up in the morning. . .oftentimes laying in bed 45 minutes after my alarm has gone off. There is little risk involved here since the only thing this cuts into is my running time. As long as I am home by 8:30, I'm good to go. This morning was no exception and I found myself with just enough time to run four miles after stretching, lifting and rolling before getting out the door. I ran to Fall Hill via the Canal Path in 16:38. I turned around, reminding myself to take it easy but then scanned through the functions on my watch to the timer. . .30 seconds of all out sprinting. . recoup,. .. . 30 seconds of all out running . . .five times over the course of 2 miles. By interval #5 I was definitely feeling fatigued but I had a new sense of exhilaration that I've forgotten about.  I also noticed that when I sprint I use my body differently - instead of using my calves, I was using my glutes and hips more. . . interesting. I'm still battling a headache and overall ickyness but I"m hoping to shake that with an easy F.A.R.T run tonight.
Still seriously considering trying Paleo again. . stepped on the scale this morning and was shocked. I'm back to where I was on my first day of Paleo in July.  Not happy about it at all.

4 miles


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