Trail runs.

This past weekend was unusually warm here in Virginia. On Saturday temperatures reached the high 60s/borderline 70s and yesterday temperatures rose to 77 degrees. I love running the trails, especially when the temperature is crisp and cool and I can really push myself but I'm not going to complain about our weather over the weekend. I got out rather late on Saturday but that didn't stop me from having a great long run. I took it easy, listened to my body and took the time to capture some images on the trail. 

Yesterday morning (Sunday), Tony suggested that we go for a run together. We never run together and I was a bit hesitant. 1) He runs faster than I do and 2) He really, really pushes himself. I had no plan to exercise since it was my rest day but I reluctantly agreed- I'm the one that complains that we don't exercise together so yes, I jump, although cautiously, at the chance to spend this time together. The first measurable segment was only 30 seconds faster than Saturday but then the next segment was 4 minutes faster then when I run alone. I had conflicting thoughts running through my head- if I complained about the pace I convinced myself that he wouldn't ask me to run together for another six months but then again I was barely hanging on and was worried about crashing without carbs in my diet. Neither happened. On our return we picked up the pace and something switched on inside of me. I started using my body differently and I settled into a comfortably fast run, pushing past Tony in the end for a photo finish. It was an amazing run.  Now to convince him to run with me every weekend.


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