Election Day

This morning I woke up feeling like it was Christmas. I grabbed a cup of coffee, curled up in bed with my computer to answer some emails and post an update for yesterday before heading out for a run. It was only 30 degrees outside and I was having a difficult time finding the motivation to subject myself to those kind of temperatures but boy, oh, boy, I'm glad that I got out there. The first couple minutes were rough, as they always are, but I reached the canal path in 7:28 (baseline is 8:00) and then pushed hard to Fall Hill in 15:43 (baseline is 17:00). Instead of the easy 4-miler I had planned I extended my run by following my 5-mile loop- completing it in 43:41. I'm trying to be smart about my running now that I'm starting Paleo again. No carbs = fatigue. Reasonable expectations this time around. . . take it easy and give my body time to adjust.
i'm hungry.


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