Dirt, anyone?!

For the second time in the 15+ years that I've running I ate dirt on the trail this afternoon. It's comical, actually. I was making my way along the flattest portion of the quarry - the USGS trail, followed by the Beach trail. I had just come upon a mtn biker on an area of the trail that widens with the curve and contains a log, causing him to be mid-dismount and a bit flustered as I entered the scene. I hopped over the log, feeling quite spritely, recalling memories of dodging people during the finish at MCM. . . I was hunched over and weaving as the trail snaked with 'S' curves. I was chuckling to myself as I recalled the picture I posted to accompany the MCM race report and the next thing I knew. . .toe. caught. moving rapidly. catch. nope. belly smacker. trail. air. not. in. lungs. Heart racing. "Get up!" Damn, that hurt. Assess the damage - gloves took the brunt of it on my palms, legs are fine, chest is covered in dirt, arm is scratched all to hell. . . "that's going to leave a mark." I actually said that out loud to no one in particular. The squirrels? Really, it looked worse than it actually was but I loved how every time I pulled off the trail for a mtn biker, he asked if I was okay. Such gentlemen. They don't act like that when I'm not covered in mud & blood. Maybe I should 'fall' more often.
Overall, it was a good run. I need to work on hydration to prevent the blurred vision I've been experiencing recently. I don't know if it's hydration or an electrolyte imbalance. It goes away after I get home and drink lots of water and Emergen-C.
Fortunately after showering my arm is barely scratched but there'll be a nice bruise. oh well. Comes with the territory. It did serve to remind me to respect the trail, pay attention to my footing, and slow down when the trail is completely covered in leaves. . slow down enough to take in the scenery and breathe in the brisk autumn air. I'm looking forward to re-building my base in the coming months and learning to be proud of myself again. . . I'm looking forward to looking like the disciplined runner I am instead of a weekend warrior barely capable of running a marathon. I am Strong. I am Smart. and I am Beautiful. This body was made to go Long.


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