Had a hard time waking up this morning to run my 16 miler. It was crisp but I like the cold so all in all it was a beautiful morning. I hopped out of bed with exactly 10 minutes to get my butt out the door and I succeeded. . . taking the time to fill my fuel belt, braid my hair, AND wash my face. I grabbed a powerbar and crossed my fingers that C- would be late. Whew! One disaster averted because yes, indeed C- was running a few minutes late. So there I stood on the street corner, a scantly clad runner, chowing down on her mobile breakfast. The run itself was fairly uneventful, well, kind of. As we're running I mention to C- that I was up at 6:00 with my throat on fire. . . at which point she tells me that I shouldn't be running. Mind you, we're not even 1/2 mile into the run and so I lie and tell her I'm feeling just fine. By the time we reach the front lot to pick up S- and H- I'm feeling better and it's a beautiful morning, so what's there to co...
If I were to attach a label to today that label would be 'challenge'. Challenge in the sense that I was convinced that today was going to be Awesome(!), I was prepared for today to be Awesome(!), and I have no energy to enjoy all the Awesomeness I was expecting. Last night I tested out of a four-week long self-defense class and by the end of the class my energy levels definitely dropped to a new low. I've been expecting this energy drop to happen but wasn't quite sure when it would creep up on me. Lesson 1: Eat the good stuff more frequently. Lesson 2: Figure out what the easy, convenient 'good' stuff is and go out and buy it for my cupboard. When I finally got home around 2130 I was tired, exhausted and hungry. Out came the frying pan, veggies, and chicken for a swift saute and a little glass of Rose to replenish the system. I fell asleep with a fully stomach which is to say that I fell asleep quite happy. You would think that with a full belly of good, nutriti...
Ran an absolutely amazing marathon today. Finished with a PR of 4:25:26, taking 58 seconds off from MCM, and taking 5:25 off from GW. When I decided to run this marathon last year I had thought that it would be a great way to celebrate both St. Patrick's day and to honor my Irish grandmother that passed away, quite coincidently, on 17 MAR. My horoscope for yesterday read something to the effect of focusing on my goals and not allowing other's stresses and worries to become my own. It's funny that I needed a horoscope to give me permission and remind me to be true to myself, but no more introspection for now. I followed my instincts and kept my head on MY marathon and it really paid off. Race conditions were horrible - 20+mph headwinds and temps in the mid-50's. I was on the dangerous pendulum of being overheated and absolutely frozen, fighting a wall of wind. Needless to say, the muscles were working overtime to compensate. I learned a lot about myself, my body a...
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