Had a hard time waking up this morning to run my 16 miler. It was crisp but I like the cold so all in all it was a beautiful morning. I hopped out of bed with exactly 10 minutes to get my butt out the door and I succeeded. . . taking the time to fill my fuel belt, braid my hair, AND wash my face. I grabbed a powerbar and crossed my fingers that C- would be late. Whew! One disaster averted because yes, indeed C- was running a few minutes late. So there I stood on the street corner, a scantly clad runner, chowing down on her mobile breakfast. The run itself was fairly uneventful, well, kind of. As we're running I mention to C- that I was up at 6:00 with my throat on fire. . . at which point she tells me that I shouldn't be running. Mind you, we're not even 1/2 mile into the run and so I lie and tell her I'm feeling just fine. By the time we reach the front lot to pick up S- and H- I'm feeling better and it's a beautiful morning, so what's there to co...
If I were to attach a label to today that label would be 'challenge'. Challenge in the sense that I was convinced that today was going to be Awesome(!), I was prepared for today to be Awesome(!), and I have no energy to enjoy all the Awesomeness I was expecting. Last night I tested out of a four-week long self-defense class and by the end of the class my energy levels definitely dropped to a new low. I've been expecting this energy drop to happen but wasn't quite sure when it would creep up on me. Lesson 1: Eat the good stuff more frequently. Lesson 2: Figure out what the easy, convenient 'good' stuff is and go out and buy it for my cupboard. When I finally got home around 2130 I was tired, exhausted and hungry. Out came the frying pan, veggies, and chicken for a swift saute and a little glass of Rose to replenish the system. I fell asleep with a fully stomach which is to say that I fell asleep quite happy. You would think that with a full belly of good, nutriti...
I've been terrible about keeping up this blog w/ race reports and training logs but it's my hope to get better. Yesterday was the 25th Bull Run Run 50; it was my second running of it. The race is put on by the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club (VHTRC) - this is there premiere event - it's a good one, too. I'm pretty sure you can find my race report from last year somewhere on this site, maybe I should go back and read it sometime. First of all, going into this run I didn't feel like I was actually going to run 50 miles. My world has been shaken up so much lately that writing Bull Run Run on my weekly to-do white board didn't seem like anything other than another assignment, a box to check off for the week. Friday I had hoped to have a relaxing day - you know, get shit done so that it was done for when I got home on Saturday night but the universe, aka, the JOB, had other plans. I got sucked into helping out on a deliverable that was FUBR w/ conflicting directi...
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