Bike, NPS, Goggles, Swim

Today has been one for the record books if ever I lived one. First, I met the group out at Pickett's for a ride on my new bike....schweeet, right?! Got my left shoe clipped in and well, it got stuck. D- suggested that I ride her bike so we exchange shoes, wearing one of each other's shoe. Rode to the cannons and on the way back I clipped in to her bike with my right foot and got that one stuck. We managed to get that one unstuck and headed on our merry ways home. Well, my adventure wasn't over....apparently it's not okay to go 30 mph in a 25 mph zone, even if you are going down one big-ass hill and to maintain 25 mph would require operator to ride her brakes all the freakin' way. That's about all that I'm going to say about that! (insert a lot of unladylike words here)

I was ready to be done for the day and it wasn't yet noon when I saw that my new goggles had arrived... yahoo! Points forward toward a positive attitude here! Decided to throw down an hour in the pool - keeping my eyes on the prize. Managed to get more water up my nose than was a lot. Swimming is getting easier but I'm in definite need of some nose plugs. Tomorrow!


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