The Picky Eater Who Came to Dinner

I came across this article this morning (The Picky Eater Who Came to Dinner) and it reminded me that I need to write about Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I've been putting it off because, well, I broke down and cheated this weekend.

On Friday I was relatively good. Since the heatwave started on Thursday I decided that instead of running I should bike. My legs felt like lead, anyway, so I thought that biking would be a nice, easy alternative. For lunch I had a salad with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, carrots, capers and tuna. By the end of the day I gave in and had the Mojito. For dinner my boyfriend cooked up some steak, broccoli, peppers, and I can't really remember what else. It tasted kind of bland so we added some red curry paste.(He should let me do the cooking) It seems that he is following a modified Paleo diet and is encouraging the guys at work to do the same. If it helps me stick to my goals, I'm all for it. But his is where I cheated - we split a Bell's Two Hearted IPA. After a long day in the hot sun, sitting through multiple conference calls, and editing documents I really craved a pint. And surprisingly, Hell didn't freeze over, Pigs didn't fly, and absolutely nothing happened to me after I had those 6oz of yummy goodness.

Saturday morning I came home to no electricity.  The entire area was out of power and most of downtown looked like something more than a severe storm hit.  They are calling it a derecho (a widespread and long-lived, violent convectively induced straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms in the form of a squall line usually taking the form of a bow echo) and a number of people are still without power.  I'm thankful that mine came back on Sunday morning. Now Saturday is the day that I really cheated. After accidentally running 7.5 miles (with the first mile at an 8:20 pace) I came home and made breakfast on my 'new' (used) grill. Before I explain breakfast I want to answer the question, 'how does one accidentally run 7.5 miles?'.  Well, it's quite easy for me to run more miles than planned most of the time. I started out running with a friend, we ran into another friend and joined the XC 5k, thus running 2.5 more miles than I had planned. One of those friends joined me latter for egg scramble a la grill (6 eggs, spinach, turkey, red pepper and orange, low acid tomato w/ fresh dill). We heated water on the burner and then pulled out the cast iron skillet.  Easy peasy. For lunch, poolside, I had an avocado, 1/4lb turkey breast and an apple. Oh, and a Michelob Lite Cider (gluten-free). Before the day was over another set of refugees arrived poolside with growlers full of beer rescued from a keg on the verge of being lost due to the heat/no power. As one of four adults present, I knew my mission - save the beer! After that it was quite easy to justify eating the naturally gluten-free tortilla chips and guacamole. That's when I decided that instead of Paleo, I'm eating a gluten- and lactose- free diet, or modified Paleo.For dinner I had a pork chop, corn on the cob (no butter) and grilled zucchini and squash.  I did not succumb to the cupcakes.

Power came back on Sunday and after my modified 14-miler (modified meaning it turned into more like 12 miles in the heat and humidity and the promise of a cold beverage) I set about cleaning my house and emptying the fridge. I was surprised to find that after running on an empty stomach my energy didn't dip and before I knew it it was 1:00pm. That may not seem like a big deal but when you wake up at 0515, start running at 0615, wring at least a cup of sweat from your clothes and then clean your house and fridge. . AND you're used to eating every couple of hours, that's huge! So what did I eat? 3-egg scramble, spinach, tomato, and green pepper followed by an apple and peanut butter w/ coffee.

For dinner we grilled the massive amounts of meat that defrosted (cool to touch so safe); brauts, italian sausage, and 4 lbs of chicken breasts. Chicken marinated in a modified jerk chicken rub, w/ grilled peppers, squash and zucchini w/ garlic. Dinner was yummy.  Oh, and I snuck another Bell's Two Hearted.  For dessert we had a couple squared of 85% dark chocolate.  I'm feeling good.


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