Paleo revisited

The past couple of weeks I have struggled with staying Paleo and a host of other factors which make staying true to the Paleo lifestyle, even my modified version, a challenge. The first challenge I encountered was exhaustion and convenience. I think most of us can agree that after a long day at the office the last thing you want to do is cook. Last week was one of those kind of weeks. It quickly became evident that after a long day it was much easier to go out and listen to live music and give in to emotional eating. Mind you, a pizza from Bistro split two ways isn't gluttonous, hell, we left hungry, but it was a healthy dose of carbs, gluten and diary. All those things my body craves and I found I functioned better without. Convenience, paired with live music, trumped my frugality and caused me to momentarily forget the good, healthy feeling that comes with keeping those foods out of my diet.
This past week I've encountered a challenge of another kind - staying Paleo while visiting family during an emotionally stressful time.  All of our dinners are prepared by my sister's church family so it's been difficult to stay Paleo and not be a nuisance. In fact I've become the butt of many jokes; 'So you're Paleo? Does that make me taneo?' and so it goes.

The greatest challenge I've faced it the internal struggle I've experienced. The struggle between knowing that keeping breads and dairy out of my diet not only is better for me but it makes me feel better and being respectful and eating the food that has been prepared for me (ready access to cookies, brownies, and ice cream hasn't been a walk in the park, either). I've determined that 1) a week of eating non-Paleo (and even eating things that don't exist in my kitchen) isn't permanent, and 2) when I return to Virginia I plan to reboot and cleanse.
Aside from Paleo, running has been touch and go. I got a good 4 miler in on Sunday, 3 miles on Monday, 2 mile walk on Tuesday, 8 miles on Wednesday and 4 miles today.  I ran in Vibrams on Monday - I suspect that the 11 miles I did on the elliptical last week in Vibrams hurt my foot so I've been laying off for a bit to let the 'strain' heal. 

Today I've gotten back on track - 3 eggs, green pepper, broccoli, carrots, turkey and ham w/ coffee for breakfast. For lunch I made a taco salad w/ chicken, green pepper, blue corn tortilla chips and spinach and a Corona.  Mighty tasty.  My challenge will come when dinner arrives.  Fingers crossed it's not lasagna, or a carb-rich casserole.


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