Today started out tired with a kink in my neck and heavy legs - 73 degrees 90% humidity and 9 miles mapped out. The first mile or so we pushed the pace but quickly determined that in order to sustain anything, not just the pace but the distance, would require a more manageable pace. We also decided within the first 10 minutes that we needed to take scheduled walk breaks. 8 minutes running 1 minute walk. Repeat. In the end I think we ended up running about 7 miles - 1:10:48 - by cutting out a loop around Pratt and cutting down through Chatham instead of going around the property and I'm happy with that. My clothes were drenched through and I have gone through 2- 16oz glasses of water. Breakfast was the usual: 3 egg scramble, cherry tomatoes, spinach, dill and chicken w/ a cup of coffee.
Energy levels were low but that could be the beer I had with dinner last night, the heat, or the initial pace. Still figuring it all out.
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