Day 3- update

I spent some time last evening researching Paleo in the hopes of combating these fluctuating energy levels and educating myself about the various approaches to adapting the Paleo lifestyle.  I can't say that I was surprised to find that everyone has their own opinion about what is 'safe' to eat and what should be avoided.  For instance, one blogger insisted that fruit was to be eliminated from your diet on the premise that fruit is full of sugar.  Sugar. Sugar?! An Oreo is full of sugar, not my apple, berries or melon.  Lowering my eyebrows a notch, I will admit that yes, fruit contains fructose, but really?! I should probably insert a disclaimer on this blog that I am a free-wheeling, non-strict person when it comes to training and following a diet.  If fructose from fruit is the most sugar I'm ingesting, bring it on.

After spending time looking through the various blogs, reading book reviews (which happen to be just as informative as the blogs), and finding websites dedicated to Paleo recipes I went to the grocery store equipped with a shopping list and a new found sense of energy, power, and excitement.  Energy? yes. positive energy. Power? Yes. Taking on this challenge of completely revamping my food consumption is very empowering. Excitement? How can I not be excited?!

So what did I make for dinner?  Chances are I probably ingested something that I should have avoided but in the end I licked my plate clean and was disappointed there wouldn't be leftovers for today's lunch.
Ginger/Garlic/Green Curry Beef & Broccoli

About 4 cloves Garlic
Hunk of Ginger
Red Wine Vinegar

Chuck Steak (shaved)
Carrots (cut into matchsticks)
Yellow Squash

Green Curry paste

Marinate steak for about a half hour.  Saute. Add Green Curry Paste. Add vegetables. Turn down heat.  Cover and let steam for 10 minutes.  Waala! Good to Go!

For desert I've been freezing hunks of banana and processing them in the food processor.  Last night I added a couple of almonds and an ice cube and then topped it off with sliced strawberries.. . Yum


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