Day 2

I must say that after one day of following the Paleo diet I'm already feeling a difference. I went to bed early last night after a dinner of rotisserie chicken, red peppers, broccoli, zucchini, and squash sauteed with garlic.  When I rolled over and opened my eyes it was 0525 and I felt rested and ready to go for a run.  After stretching out and lifting some weights I hit the road and determined that today was the day to explore new running routes.  Droid (w/ Runkeeper running) in hand I set off to see where my instincts took me. In the end I combined both new and old running haunts to come up with a solid 9 miles. It sure helped that the outside temperature dipped down into the 50s and humidity was minimal. About a mile and a half from home I ran past one a place that has become one of my new favorite sanctuaries. Feeling good so far, let's see where the rest of the day takes me.  (no Vibram today, giving my legs a rest)


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