Day 3

If I were to attach a label to today that label would be 'challenge'. Challenge in the sense that I was convinced that today was going to be Awesome(!), I was prepared for today to be Awesome(!), and I have no energy to enjoy all the Awesomeness I was expecting. Last night I tested out of a four-week long self-defense class and by the end of the class my energy levels definitely dropped to a new low. I've been expecting this energy drop to happen but wasn't quite sure when it would creep up on me. Lesson 1: Eat the good stuff more frequently. Lesson 2: Figure out what the easy, convenient 'good' stuff is and go out and buy it for my cupboard. When I finally got home around 2130 I was tired, exhausted and hungry. Out came the frying pan, veggies, and chicken for a swift saute and a little glass of Rose to replenish the system. I fell asleep with a fully stomach which is to say that I fell asleep quite happy. You would think that with a full belly of good, nutritious food I would sleep like a baby, right? Nope. I did not sleep well last night and was up before 0500, well before my 0530 alarm was set to go off. When I finally pulled myself out of bed and to the gym for the second (and last) complimentary session with a personal trainer all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. He had other plans. I learned about leg presses and the arm bike. He pushed me beyond my comfort zone but I was too tired to argue. The 30 minutes flew right by and before I knew it I was walking out the door, driving home and running.  It was another beautiful morning - I'd have to have been delirious not to get out there and get a good run in. But today was a Vibram day so I settled for an easy 3-miler to ease myself back into running barefoot. No need to injure myself by going out too long, too soon.

So to the point - Today has been a challenge. My energy levels have plummeted and I am exhausted. I've conducted a google search but have been unable to find anything addressing this or ways to combat it. I expected a transition period, knew that my body would go through withdraw so I am prepared to go easy on myself tonight. No biking, maybe just hanging out in the hammock for a while but first it's a trip to the grocery store to purchase the easy and convenient Paleo friendly foods I need to stock up my cupboard. I'm thinking that it's going to be a beef & broccoli kind of night, too. I should buy some more.

Side note- my diet is the same as Day 1 & Day 2.  I'm thinking a little variety is in order - maybe that will restore some energy levels. A friend shared website with lots of recipes for Paleo eating. I'm inspired.


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