Anheuser-Busch Colonial 1/2

I woke up this morning and puttered for a bit before my ride came to pick me up for the long drive down to Williamsburg. We arrived with an hour to spare so we were able to 'take care of business' with due time. For the first time ever I warmed up before a race, intentionally. Which left me feeling really good at race start but also really warm. It was a good day; it was about 47 degrees out, perfect for shorter races but ultimately a bit warm for me. After having run 20 miles yesterday I had absolutely no expectations for time but decided that I'd try to make it in under 2 hours. I ran a GREAT mental race - there were lots of hills which vexed the internal thermometer. I remember not questioning my decision until about mile 9 when I had this feeling come over me that I just didn't want to run anymore for today. But silly me, that's not the way that races work and push through for another 4 miles I did. The highlight of today was seeing P- take a few minutes off his time with a great 2nd 1/2 marathon performance.
I'm completely zonked and should have been asleep hours ago..


  1. Hey. Ran into your blog today...very's like looking into your daily life/routine. How many marathons have you run? How long do your exercise/train on a daily/weekly basis? Look forward to reading more.



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