Woke up this AM really exhausted AND excited for our long run - Decided not to meet at Hyperion, but to run from my house instead. It's the little things like parking restrictions and leaving a car downtown while we run for 3+ hours that had just a little something to do with this decision. Ran a 6 mile loop through downtown/canal path extension/ etc and took a pit stop at the apartment before heading out Lee Drive and back. It was a good run, a brutal run but reassuring none-the-less. Running long is just like riding a bike, or sex, the body remembers what it's designed to do :~). So we laid down 20 miles today and I can't remember feeling this good and satiated since October when my mileage was high and I was in the thick of racing/marathon season. Came home and due to circumstances involving shower sharing with house guests, I found myself gardening all afternoon instead of showering and relaxing in the hammock. There is just something about gardening that once you get me started I don't stop until the job is done! even when I'm in desperate need of a good soak. But here we are and I'm ready to sleep. Tomorrow is a 4-miler that I can't seem to get excited about.. grrrrr.


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