12 sleep hours and feeling great

This is actually a post from yesterday that I never go around to finishing.

The weather's changed - we've transitioned from cool, misty March-like mornings to full on summer conditions.  I've been surprised how well my body has adjusted and handled this transition.  After a mediocre run yesterday (due to my thinking I had more time than I actually did and worrying about making it back in time to get showered and where I needed to be ), and missing my wake-up to make it to the mountains this morning, I slept a good 12 hours.  I must have needed the sleep.  After putzing around for a while I finally got out for my run around 1130 - Running at 1130 is not an optimal time to be running during the summer. I was surprised to find that it wasn't that bad of a run - sure it was 75 degrees and 100% humidity but hell, it wasn't that bad once I started running and kept and even pace.  At the end of the day I logged right about 10 miles.  Didn't get to the mountains but I didn't let that stop me.  Maybe I should sleep in like that more often.


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