Shamrock Marathon

Ran an absolutely amazing marathon today. Finished with a PR of 4:25:26, taking 58 seconds off from MCM, and taking 5:25 off from GW.
When I decided to run this marathon last year I had thought that it would be a great way to celebrate both St. Patrick's day and to honor my Irish grandmother that passed away, quite coincidently, on 17 MAR. My horoscope for yesterday read something to the effect of focusing on my goals and not allowing other's stresses and worries to become my own. It's funny that I needed a horoscope to give me permission and remind me to be true to myself, but no more introspection for now. I followed my instincts and kept my head on MY marathon and it really paid off.
Race conditions were horrible - 20+mph headwinds and temps in the mid-50's. I was on the dangerous pendulum of being overheated and absolutely frozen, fighting a wall of wind. Needless to say, the muscles were working overtime to compensate. I learned a lot about myself, my body and how to perform - I'm still learning.
Afterwards, I wandered around for an hour and a half, soaking wet - in a singlet and racing said conditions.. with lips turning blue and muscles aching.. Never again! It doesn't matter if it's your first or thirtieth marathon, 26.2 miles crushes and humbles a person - anyone can run it, that's been proven, but not everyone invests their whole being to discover themselves.


  1. That is absolutely amazing!! I know you have never responded to any of my comments, and that's fine. I just thought I would let you know that I think it's incredible the way you train, deal with work, and then keep your mind focused enough to keep trucking on that pavement. I am working out as well...including some running into it...but I think I have a long long way to go to reach that level where your at.

    Great job! Keep at it!!!



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