
Showing posts from February, 2008


Hopped on the bike this AM - it's deceptively beautiful outside... tomorrow is the 20 miler.. yahoo!


Tonight was an unexpected 5.75 run. I had determined earlier in the day to go for a swim but right about 5:00 decided that I was going to go for a run instead. It was a good day, a good run and now I'm paying the consequences with ice packs on each ankle. But alas - I'm getting stronger and pain is arbitrary when weighed against the peace of mind it provides. 1/2 up Hanover 4 loops 1.25 on track 1/2 mile of alternating 100's 1/2 mile home


Ran 7.9 tonight.. felt good to get the kinks out. To be out under the sky on our own two feet awakens something older, more content within us, a wild creature inside itching to break out, who knows where to go to heal all ills. ~Henry Shukman Tonight was one of those nights where the wild creature came out, needed to come out, in order for calm and peace to be restored. Many people think that I'm crazy, many think that I'm fookin' nuts, but only I know what I need to do to maintain a relatively normal existence. 1/2 up Hanover 2 loops 1.5 on track 3 through downtown


I'm sick - I woke up this morning, barely woke up this morning is more like it, with a sore throat and a foggy head. My body feels GREAT but my immune system is fluttering; my guess is that it's attempting to make me take some time to recuperate. So, here we are, 7:30 at night, when I should be just getting into the shower after a fantastic run, and instead I'm lying in bed, miserable. it could be worse.


Taking the night OFF! will resume regularly scheduled activities tomorrow - I think -

Anheuser-Busch Colonial 1/2

I woke up this morning and puttered for a bit before my ride came to pick me up for the long drive down to Williamsburg. We arrived with an hour to spare so we were able to 'take care of business' with due time. For the first time ever I warmed up before a race, intentionally. Which left me feeling really good at race start but also really warm. It was a good day; it was about 47 degrees out, perfect for shorter races but ultimately a bit warm for me. After having run 20 miles yesterday I had absolutely no expectations for time but decided that I'd try to make it in under 2 hours. I ran a GREAT mental race - there were lots of hills which vexed the internal thermometer. I remember not questioning my decision until about mile 9 when I had this feeling come over me that I just didn't want to run anymore for today. But silly me, that's not the way that races work and push through for another 4 miles I did. The highlight of today was seeing P- take a few minute...


Threw down 20 this AM - we did a nice 8 mile loop through downtown, out to the extended canal path and then back to my house. My ankle was screaming at me, and so was my toe ring. But run I must and alas I pushed through. The highlight of the run was 1/2 way up Bubba when I sat on the drain, took off my shoe, pried off my toe ring and popped it into my mouth. When another runner saw me sitting there, she pulled up and asked if all was 'okay'..and I stuck my tongue out to explain that it was just a toe ring 'situation'. Some days I wonder if odd parts of my body act up to remind me that I need to take care of them, too.


Ran 6.5 tonight. It was cold, but it felt good. My quads were speaking to me but they weren't screaming. Coming down Hanover to home I let my pelvis tilt and it felt like the wind was carrying me home. The pace was amazing but not sustainable for anything more than 400m. ... 1/2 up Hanover 1 mile loop 5 downtown


Swam tonight, really didn't want to do any form of physical activity but must keep the body moving and make use of the damn gym membership I am paying for. Practiced figuring out my stroke and breathing - accidentally peed in the pool but there was no purple cloud, which with my goggles on I wasn't so sure was the case. So after jumping ten feet after realizing that I had peed, my nerves were calmed and I resumed the regularly scheduled activities.


Ran an easy 5 with D- tonight - feelin' GREAT - should be okay to run the 20 on Sat and then the 1/2 on Sunday. Quads are feeling better, the run helped loosen the muscles. Will stretch in the AM. 1/2 up Hanover 5 loops 1/2 down Hanover

47th Washington's Birthday Marathon

Ran the 47th Annual Washington's Birthday Marathon - took 3rd in the W 20-29 age division. There were lots of hills and it was draining due to the wind, etc. More to come soon!
Running From Despair - Wings of America, a 20-year old nonprofit organization, consists of American Indian runners from reservations around the country that dominate running championships.


Ran 4 good miles this AM - definitely ready for GW Birthday marathon in the AM - off to sleep for this runner -


Ran 6 easy miles today; my oh my it was a glorious day! It was warm and not at all anything near what I like to run in but since I took it slow I had no problems. My left foot is acting up again, so today was beneficial in that I'm in the process of developing a strategy for running through the pain. I know that you should never 'run through the pain' but if I didn't I would never run and I would just be one of those sissy runners that stops running with every blister and purple toe. That being said, my shins are doing much better with the stretching and ice. I'm going to do about 5 easy miles in the AM and I can already predict that i'm going to get harassed, heckled, and told not to run, or that I shouldn't be running anything the day before a marathon. But it's early, and I'm in bed and clearly taking care of myself. oh phooey on them!


Ran 8 miles tonight with D- & P-. It was a good run; at pace, good people, good conversation, and well, just all around felt good. The aches are not to be ignored but nothing to write home about. It's getting difficult to remember that I'm running a marathon in just a couple of days. 1/2 up Hanover 2.25 - 3 loops on UMW trail 1/2 down Hanover 4.75 through town

Erg 10k & Swim 1/2 hour

Forgot to update last night - It was miserable outside so D- bagged and I was left to go to the gym. This wasn't such a bad idea, because of the aforementioned freezing rain misery. I ergged 10k in 50 minutes and then swam for a 1/2 hour. I love the pool and wish that I could muster up the energy to swim more often. Decided to go to Boulder 06-10 March - missing the Tren Construction 8k, but heck, what is one race to an exploratory visit which will influence the making one of the biggest decisions of my life?

sweetheart 4-miler

Woke up this morning feeling quite the granny, as anyone that tucks herself into bed at 8:30PM should. But there was a brilliant blue sky and a race to run; so I got myself out of bed, ate some breakfast, packed my bag and out the door I went. Underestimated the time it would take to drive to Cutis Park, but had a lot of time none-the-less. One of my many gripes about this race was that the bib pick-up was at least a 1/4 mile away from the chip pick-up and well, I did more sprinting at the beginning than I am comfortable with. And for the first time in history I had a full bladder which needed emptying BEFORE the race so I spent the majority of pre-race time in the long line to use the bathroom... on to more interesting topics. The race itself was fine; I went out too fast, throwing down a 8:06 at Mile 1, took it down to 8:12 at Mile 2 and then really dropped down to 8:58 at Mile 3. I must have kept a steady pace because I finished in 34:06 , which equates to a 8:32 pace. Felt go...


Woke up this AM really exhausted AND excited for our long run - Decided not to meet at Hyperion, but to run from my house instead. It's the little things like parking restrictions and leaving a car downtown while we run for 3+ hours that had just a little something to do with this decision. Ran a 6 mile loop through downtown/canal path extension/ etc and took a pit stop at the apartment before heading out Lee Drive and back. It was a good run, a brutal run but reassuring none-the-less. Running long is just like riding a bike, or sex, the body remembers what it's designed to do :~). So we laid down 20 miles today and I can't remember feeling this good and satiated since October when my mileage was high and I was in the thick of racing/marathon season. Came home and due to circumstances involving shower sharing with house guests, I found myself gardening all afternoon instead of showering and relaxing in the hammock. There is just something about gardening that once y...

5 & swim

Got a text from D- right around 3:00 this afternoon. '5 at 5?' well, why, yesh! Laid down 5 good miles down the canal path to the River and back. We had a great run, so much so that I don't remember much about it. Except now, now I remember the extreme intestinal gas pains I was experiencing due to the copious amount of hummus I'd had for lunch. ouch! They never said that running was for sissies.. and when your running partner asks you to pull her finger, well, there's nothing that can be said or done after that to embarrass you or her. After running, I took myself up to the gym and swam some laps - discovered how to be more effective in the water by pushing with my shoulders instead of my legs. I'm very excited! Sleepy now- we've got 18 for the AM- followed by brunch! GW is in a week... and now my shins hurt, too!

Speedwork - 5

Couldn't quite get myself around running tonight. My shins hurt and I was just dragging. Attempted to do some speed work but ultimately decided that I was doing myself more harm than good with empty miles. Came home to stretch and hopped on the bike for a bit to warm back up. Will swim tomorrow to get ready for 18 on Saturday before the 4-miler race on Sunday. 1/2 up Hanover 2.25 - 3 loops around UMW trail 1 - 1/4 miles with sprints at last 100 1/2 - easy 1/4 - alternating 100's 1/2 - down Hanover

O-F-F- off!

Took the night off... very sleepy tired after standing on my feet working a career fair all day. I think that should count as my PT for the day. Heading to sleep now...maybe I am a six year old?


Today it was incredibly hot - 72 degrees on 05FEB is almost unheard of. I was scheduled for speedwork with C- but had to cancel, keeping in mind my need to acclimate to the warmth. Fortunately, D- was available to run and we threw down 8.25 and then had a very yummy dinner. Feeling good, ankle still hurts tomorrow I'll erg before speed on Thursday. 1/2 - up Hanover 2.25 - three loops on the trail 1/2 - down Hanover 5 - through downtown - Larry, Curly & Mo time for sleep!


Threw down 16.25 this AM - it felt absolutely amazing but was a major eye opener with relation to where I'm at and where I should be. Despite it being amazing, it was at least 4 miles shy of where I should be and it's got me a bit concerned about GW and coming out the other side injury free. If I maintain a slow and steady pace everything's gonna be's gonna be alright. The ankle is flaring up again...dammit! the road is my church sweat is my prayers running is my religion.. hehe!


Ran 9.5 solo this AM - only intended to run 8 ...oops. Life has been spinning out of control lately and well, I needed a day to just relax into my run, let my body do it's thing and give the tornado in my head a chance to dissipate. It was a gorgeous morning - 38 degrees; started out in a fleece, shorts and my new shoes. Very quickly stripped off the fleece & gloves and really started to enjoy my run. I don't know if the tornado was appeased, but at least I had some much needed time to myself. Tomorrow is another day, 15 on the schedule, but what I need is some River time.

New Shoes

Picked up my new shoes tonight- they are hideously BROWN - but hey, shoes are shoes and beggars can't be choosers. On the upside, I can run trails and the dirt won't show. :~) No running tonight; had a hard day at work with NO FOOD all day... REST REST REST tonight