pre-Bull Run Run 2017

I'm not gonna lie.. . I'm terribly under-trained for the 2017 running of the Bull Run Run. If all the races last year were a personal affront given the foul weather (rain, sleet, snow and thunder in 2016) the weather for 2017 events are swinging too far in the 'nice' category to make up for it. . . i.e., ~65 degrees at the finish of Holiday Lake 50k AND Terrapin 50k. So far the weather looks to be holding at 38/65 and clear. If I keep a solid pace I'll do just fine.  For both Holiday Lake and Terrapin I came in just about 30 minutes over my time from last year - if the same holds true for Bull Run Run I'm looking to finish in ~11:50.  I'd be okay with that.


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