Suunto Ambit3 Peak

Around August 2016 the Garmin Vivofit I'd worn everyday since around Thanksgiving 2014 up and died.  After a few weeks I replaced the battery but the watch didn't resuscitate. I found my old Timex Ironman for Iron Mountain and managed to break even more of the band during the run which is to say that since around September 2016 I've been without a watch for the most part because most of the time I have difficulty wearing the fancy dress watch my ex- bought for me one year for Christmas. I ran MMTR blind (without a watch) and after my Timex died at Holiday Lake 50k_++ 2017 I decided it was high time to invest in a quality watch (the hefty tax return that comes with being both a student and a home owner helped influence that decision). After conducting an informal poll on Facebook and reading comments on the VHTRC group discussion board I decide on the Suunto Ambit3 Peak Sapphire (it was $20 extra an I'm accident prone). I wore the watch for the first time this morning and so far it's great - admittedly, when I pulled it out of the box I was a bit taken aback by the size of the thing.  I've got small wrists and this watch takes up more than it's fair share on my arm - but I love this watch!


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