2013 - in with a bang

Here we are 44 days into 2013 and I'm finally getting around to writing about it and wrapping up 2012. At the beginning of January I stepped back and took a good long, hard look at myself, my running and mapped out (however vague) where I want to be in 2013. Despite what my friends say I am lazy and undisciplined. How can I say that about myself when day in and day out I'm pounding pavement, lifting weights and stretching or dragging my sorry butt to the gym when it's raining or too cold out? In an article published last week in the nytimes, 'Getting Into Your Exercise Groove' Gretchen Reynolds tells us that 'humans naturally aim to use as little energy as possible during most movement. . . when we walk or run, our bodies tend to choose a particular cadence, a combination of step length and step frequency, that allows us to move at any given speed with as little physiological effort as possible.' There you have it. Over the past 8 years it seems that my body has acclimated to this "robust" daily workout routine and something needs to change to start reaping the positive benefits again. I've been reading a lot about healthy and unhealthy body image, healthy perceptions of our own bodies and realistic expectations.  All that being said, I am committing myself to becoming a better version of myself in 2013 - a healthier, happier version of myself. No crazy fad diets or lifestyles, just setting myself up to make healthy decisions and keeping a positive outlook. The Hellgate 100k is on 14 December and I aim to be there, running my heart out.

This morning marked Day 1 of my 2013 transformation. . . hey, I'm always fashionably late.


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