
Showing posts from July, 2012

Food Porn

Basil & Oregano Zucchini, Squash & Eggplant Green Peppers All laid out. . . . . .with herbs chopped now. Layer #4 Layer #1

Paleo revisited

The past couple of weeks I have struggled with staying Paleo and a host of other factors which make staying true to the Paleo lifestyle, even my modified version, a challenge. The first challenge I encountered was exhaustion and convenience. I think most of us can agree that after a long day at the office the last thing you want to do is cook. Last week was one of those kind of weeks. It quickly became evident that after a long day it was much easier to go out and listen to live music and give in to emotional eating. Mind you, a pizza from Bistro split two ways isn't gluttonous, hell, we left hungry, but it was a healthy dose of carbs, gluten and diary. All those things my body craves and I found I functioned better without. Convenience, paired with live music, trumped my frugality and caused me to momentarily forget the good, healthy feeling that comes with keeping those foods out of my diet. This past week I've encountered a challenge of another kind - staying Paleo while vi...

Day 9

Today started out tired with a kink in my neck and heavy legs - 73 degrees 90% humidity and 9 miles mapped out. The first mile or so we pushed the pace but quickly determined that in order to sustain anything, not just the pace but the distance, would require a more manageable pace. We also decided within the first 10 minutes that we needed to take scheduled walk breaks. 8 minutes running 1 minute walk. Repeat. In the end I think we ended up running about 7 miles - 1:10:48 - by cutting out a loop around Pratt and cutting down through Chatham instead of going around the property and I'm happy with that. My clothes were drenched through and I have gone through 2- 16oz glasses of water. Breakfast was the usual: 3 egg scramble, cherry tomatoes, spinach, dill and chicken w/ a cup of coffee. Energy levels were low but that could be the beer I had with dinner last night, the heat, or the initial pace. Still figuring it all out.

Day 8

Today is a scheduled rest day. I lifted weights and did some yoga to stretch out since my legs were tired and achy last night. I'm gaining energy while running again which is great news. When I weighed myself this morning I found that I have lost 6lbs since last Monday. This is both a good and bad thing. I'm terrible about being disciplined and the fact that I've managed to lose weight even though I've been cheating will not motivate me to stop cheating. For breakfast I made modified french toast .( Strawberry Applesauce Omelet) 3 eggs cinnamon vanilla spread unsweetened apple sauce on top layer w/ strawberries (I added blueberries and a peach) top w/ real maple syrup.  Yummy! (I'll take a picture next time) This was lunch: salad w/ cucumber, farmer's market cherry tomatoes and leftover (I'll be eating this for a few days) chicken. yum! I suspect that if I stop eating so much fruit, and stop cheating w/ beer and tortilla chips I will lose...

The Picky Eater Who Came to Dinner

I came across this article this morning ( The Picky Eater Who Came to Dinner ) and it reminded me that I need to write about Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I've been putting it off because, well, I broke down and cheated this weekend. On Friday I was relatively good. Since the heatwave started on Thursday I decided that instead of running I should bike. My legs felt like lead, anyway, so I thought that biking would be a nice, easy alternative. For lunch I had a salad with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, carrots, capers and tuna. By the end of the day I gave in and had the Mojito. For dinner my boyfriend cooked up some steak, broccoli, peppers, and I can't really remember what else. It tasted kind of bland so we added some red curry paste.(He should let me do the cooking) It seems that he is following a modified Paleo diet and is encouraging the guys at work to do the same. If it helps me stick to my goals, I'm all for it. But his is where I cheated - we split a Bell's Two ...