Cool Temps are Returning!

So what if it's been over a month since my last post?! I'm posting now and that's what is important.
We've had an unusually cool past couple of days and I'm soaking it up. It feels more like end of September or October instead of August with the days in the mid- to low-80s and at night it gets down to around 60 degrees. Yesterday we had a 'once a century' earthquake that registered 5.8 but that really doesn't have anything to do with running so I won't go into details. But it did affect my running this morning so it deserves a nod.
I had a really great 8 mile run yesterday starting just before 0700. The temps were in the mid-50s to low-60s and I ran more than I walked because it hurt to walk. Go figure. This morning, however, I met Lynne at 0525 (instead of 0515 for some reason) and we ran our usual 4.5 mile loop. I don't know if it was nerves, or what, but I couldn't sleep last night. The past couple of nights I've been getting at least 8 hours in and maybe that had something to do with it but maybe not. Apparently overnight we had a couple of aftershocks and maybe that's why I kept waking up every couple of hours. Point being that I didn't sleep much last night and didn't want to get up and run this morning. Not that I didn't want to run, I just didn't want to run at o' dark hundred. It turned out to be a really good run. 4.5 miles in 43:00. Not bad. I drove home and ran down to Eileen's to see my friend Trista and picked up some extra mileage.
I've been especially lazy today; I should really head upstairs and lift some weights but I'm tired. . . evidenced by my long nap during lunch. Thank goodness for the capability to go home for my lunch breaks.
Today's total: 6 miles. Weekly total: 18 miles.


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