easy 13.1. . or not

Got in from NYC late last night and for reasons that can only resemble insanity I agreed to run the 1/2 course with Sabo this morning. In typical fashion I was groggy and disoriented; decided it was around 30 degrees so didn't need the long sleeve wicking shirt but did need the fleece. . .oh and no fuel belt. Made it to Hyperion at 7:40, a full 10 minutes late and my partner was standing outside in the cold waiting. . .so, that fuel belt that I opted out of wearing because, 'oh, we'll be running right by my house. . .' at mile. . .2! instead of 7 in the race, would have come in handy as we made it up to Central Park and my tank was completely empty. I still don't know how I made it back down the hill and to the coffee shop without fainting. Next time, fuel belt is necessary. But lay down 13.1 we did and I didn't faint or become delirious and we actually sprinted at the end. It was a good run and a good way to burn off those extra holiday calories.


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