4 miles

Today was kind of a whirlwind run. It was the kind of day at work that I really resented being so good at my job. By degree I'm a cultural anthropologist; by trade I'm a technical editor. . . when I get my hands on a document I see things the way a composer sees the notes, or the way an artist looks at a canvas. It's really uncanny and annoying because when I see a tiny detail to change, 'oh, it'll only take me 10 minutes.' turns into a whole revamping of the document. . . whew! That is neither here nor there. After getting lost in my work and missing my afternoon snack AND failed to drink my daily requirement for water (!!!!) I rushed out at 4:55 to meet with C- the newcomer to our little running circle for a quick and easy 4-miler. I should mention that C- is a young Marine who runs at least 1.5 - if not 2 min/mile faster than me. It was a good run, good temps - definitely one to put down as a 'tempo' run. Let's see, tomorrow is Friday. I think it's an 8-miler kind of day.


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