Run Amuck

It’s been a few days since I’ve been able to run. It’s difficult to run when you’re wounded, which I am, and so I’m in a convalescence mode of sorts. Saturday was the MCM, Run Amuck, where the whole mess started. There I was, minding my own business and wham – I went flying off a tire and face first into the trail. Fortunately, I caught myself on my knee and within seconds I was up and running again. This should say something about my nature – she falls down, she gets up – which more often than not leaves me wide open to the obvious, rendering me oblivious. Instead of stopping and/or protecting my injury I drag myself through a barbed wire crawl and then through a knee-deep mud pit. I had the sense to have it cleaned and examined in the Medic tent, but by then the damage was done. For two days I endured a swollen mess that was my knee and only after it continued to look like Rudolph’s nose with the flu did I ask a doctor to, ‘have a look.’ Currently on extra-strength antibiotics and still unable to run for fear of further infection/swelling… sigh- at least my left knee has decided to rest its whining, for now...


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