Sweethearts 4-Miler

Sunday morning. Feeling pretty good for just having run for 8-hours yesterday. Until I tried to run. ouch! WTF! Decide early on that I'm going to take this race easy. But then again. . .it's been a rough week, shoes have been thrown; when it comes down to it I'm like a race-horse leaving the gate. At the beginning was very successful in holding back, letting all the bonafide non-runners pass me until we get to the path in the woods. WTF! I thought this was supposed to be a race?! What are we doing meandering here? So off-road I go; hell, I was just running trails yesterday. Who's afraid of a few roots and ruts? Started off way too fast, let my pride get the best of me in passing all the slow folk, the temperatures were in the mid-50's and so I managed to pull down a 35:33, a minute and a half slower than last year but I'll take it. Tomorrow's another day.


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