
Showing posts from 2014
“The afternoon knows what morning never suspected.” ~ Robert Frost

bring it on. .

If you do less of something, you will instantly make room for something else.

being human

“Being human gives us more power than we realize. We have the power of choice and being stuck, unhappy, and miserable is always a CHOICE! Sometimes we become way too comfortable with being uncomfortable so today I challenge you to get outside your comfort zone and make some positive life changes. You have the power. You can do it. CHOOSE to live your best life possible!!” -  Sarah Fragoso

Paleo Pancakes

For the last couple of months I've been yo-yo-ing w/ gluten- and dairy-free/paleo recipes, again. I know that I feel better when I restrict these things from my diet but the time it takes to create a meal that is gluten-free is simply not possible, or so I tell myself. In an effort to get myself back on track I've rounded up some paleo cookbooks w/ recipes that have greatly improved since I first started experimenting w/ the paleo lifestyle.   Here is one that I tried this morning.  I’ll Make You Banana Pancakes, Pretend Like It’s The Weekend Now… yummy!Enjoy! update: 3/25 - I made these pancakes again this morning but instead of using cut bananas I used strawberries.  Excellent substitution.  These are going to be added to the rotation of morning staples.  Quick and easy to prepare. Delicious, too!