
Showing posts from February, 2009

Still Resting

My quads are still a mess. They're like a rubber band that won't release. This makes me feel really stupid and vulnerable, especially walking around work today. It's an unusual feeling to be forced to walk slow, hold onto the hand railing on the stairs, and take them one at a time until the muscles release. Ugh. Is this a characteristic of age or a result of a marathon with too many hills?

GW Birthday Marathon Take2

Bare Bones Race Report: 0730: Leave home 0735: get gas 0736: Merge onto I-95 0845: take wrong exit on I-395 0850: use Google Maps to reroute 0930: arrive in Greenbelt 0945: Pick up race packet, shirt, number 1000: Run into Jennifer 1015: Walk w/ J- to race start 1031: Marathon Starts Mile 1: Bottom of big ass hill Mile 2: Between Mile 1 & Mile 2 hear someone in a car calling my name. What? oh, McGee!!! YES!! Mile 3: Strip off my long sleeve and pass off to McGee. (she's a lifesaver) Mile 4: Decide to walk for 1 minute at every mile marker (and walk hills when I feel my hear rate going up) Don't know how many times I got asked this question but I got tired of replying. . 'Aren't you cold?' (granted I was in a singlet and running skirt when most everyone else still had hats and glove on. .. but I'm from New York) Mile 7: We've just come down through the intersection if I remember correctly, I'm running strong and passing a bunch of other runners on ...


It's another beautiful day; now that I've taken to running when I want to run instead of on someone else's schedule I'm much happier. Ended up running into a friend towards the end of my run and was once again reminded of how crazy I am and seem to others. Heck yeah I ran an 8-hour ATR last weekend and am running a marathon tomorrow. What else is there for me to do? Now I need to go eat some pasta, hydrate and get to sleep.

6-Miles Trails

Decided to run the trails this morning. I'm kind of addicted to running the trails alone now. There's something about being alone out in the woods; I think I'm homesick.

4 Miles

Got myself out this morning and threw down 4 easy miles. It was warm but it was a good run. Very happy with how I'm feeling and not so worried about GW on Sunday.

Rowing, and weights

Made a deal with a friend to meet her at the gym. A little cross-training is good for me, so off to the gym I go. Managed to almost get a 5k in before she arrived. The gym is actually a relaxing place in the morning. I need to keep reminding myself of this.


Today's a good day to rest.

Sweethearts 4-Miler

Sunday morning. Feeling pretty good for just having run for 8-hours yesterday. Until I tried to run. ouch! WTF! Decide early on that I'm going to take this race easy. But then again. . .it's been a rough week, shoes have been thrown; when it comes down to it I'm like a race-horse leaving the gate. At the beginning was very successful in holding back, letting all the bonafide non-runners pass me until we get to the path in the woods. WTF! I thought this was supposed to be a race?! What are we doing meandering here? So off-road I go; hell, I was just running trails yesterday. Who's afraid of a few roots and ruts? Started off way too fast, let my pride get the best of me in passing all the slow folk, the temperatures were in the mid-50's and so I managed to pull down a 35:33, a minute and a half slower than last year but I'll take it. Tomorrow's another day.


The much anticipated race report. . . Saturday morning started off pretty much the same as most of my mornings this past week. I was up well before the sun, it was freezing cold outside and my mental checklist was already working on overdrive. Friday night I'd made sure to have everything packed and ready to go. For other marathons/races I usually wait and do the bulk of my packing the morning of, taking into account changes in weather and my mood on that given day. But this race was different; I knew that I needed at least five changes of clothes for all types of weather to accommodate the projected spike in temps. 0500: My bags were packed, coffee was brewing, water was boiling and I was on target. 0530: The drive down to Lake Anna was uneventful; rather then use the google directions I'd printed out the day before I decided just to take 95 down and follow the signs. Following signs in the dark is much easier than trying to read directions printed on a paper in the dark...


It's another beautiful day- perhaps one of the warmest. Going to head out the trails and get warmed up for the ICY-8 tomorrow.

gym - cross-training

Rendezvous'd at the gym this morning. 0700. Rowed. Lifted. Walked the treadmill. Wish I'd allowed more time to get a good hill workout in but retrospect, little steps. I'll be feeling that ergging for the rest of the day.

oh just run already - 4

Not much to report. . .need to maintain my mileage and keep on my feet. Ran hard, pushed and walked the little hill. :~/

recovery 4

This morning was perhaps one of the hardest mornings to run. My joints ached, my body was groaning, and my ass? well, that hurt, too. Came to the conclusion that all that unexplainable exhaustion was nothing compared to this exhaustion. At least I know why it is that I'm tired and having a hard time focusing. . .and don't feel like such a dope for not being able to string together 10 coherent words. But it was a beautiful morning and always feel better after having run. One week before the games begin for the next two months. . .