
Showing posts from October, 2008

4 miles

Broke out this morning for a quick slog through town. Calf muscle feels better, but ice is needed. Gearing up for MCM - hydrating, carb-loading and trying to get as much sleep and as little stress as I can manage.

18 . . . . make that 12 please

I started off this morning with little to no motivation to run. I had this massive long run looming over my head, it was bitter cold outside and I'd much rather prefer to spend my morning bundled up in my rocker with a nice cup of coffee. By the time I finally drug my sorry butt out the door it was 9:20 and the prospect of running 18 miles was no less daunting. I've never really experienced this feeling of wanting to bag on my long run before; I was in new territory. My plan was to run Bubba twice and then kick it back to the cannons via the trails. As soon as I hit the trails I resolved that if after my first loop I wanted to stop, I could stop. Bargaining with yourself on a long run is really an effective motivational tool. Only I never got to the point of making good on the bargain. On my way back up the backside of Hamilton's Crossing a muscle in my left calf let loose and running the 2.5 miles on the trail back to the road was about as much tolerance as I'd...

XC 5k

It turned out to be a beautiful day despite the rains yesterday but the clouds came out about an hour before the gun went off and it was bitter cold. I like the cold so this shouldn't have been an issue but it was and I should have been smart about warming up instead of being flat-footed at the start. In the end I added a full minute to last year's finishing time but ended up taking 2nd place 18-29 age group. The lack of speedwork/hills in my training schedule really roared its ugly head but hey, it could be worse.

reclamation - 8 miles

This is usually just my training blog but today I reclaimed my passion for running. . . and that my friends, is noteworthy. Not long ago someone joined me on a path to completing his first ever marathon, MCM - with 2,600 miles between us running became the 'tie that binds'. For the past couple of days I've seriously neglected my training more than usual because it was too painful. I've learned my lesson and took my ass out the door for a nice long 8 miler. . . MCM is in 9 days - one 5k tomorrow; 18-miler on Sunday and then it's nice and easy next week. whew - bring it on!


Ran 3 easy miles this morning - am supposed to go for a long bike ride with T- this afternoon but a little 5k at a nice slow pace to get out the junk is a good thing. 3 miles in 28 minutes. . . could be worse!

Stonewall Jackson 20-miler

I really can't recall why I decided to run this race in the first place. Perhaps it was the chance to run a hard 20 miles with a running partner, perhaps it was to prove that I could still do it without batting an eye. Regardless of my reason, I did run and I ran with what strength I could muster. I discovered something about myself during this run; my mind is a powerful thing. It gives me strength to perform acts that would otherwise tear me down and I'd be unable to accomplish. I discovered that I do it because I can.

16 Miles

Had a hard time waking up this morning to run my 16 miler. It was crisp but I like the cold so all in all it was a beautiful morning. I hopped out of bed with exactly 10 minutes to get my butt out the door and I succeeded. . . taking the time to fill my fuel belt, braid my hair, AND wash my face. I grabbed a powerbar and crossed my fingers that C- would be late. Whew! One disaster averted because yes, indeed C- was running a few minutes late. So there I stood on the street corner, a scantly clad runner, chowing down on her mobile breakfast. The run itself was fairly uneventful, well, kind of. As we're running I mention to C- that I was up at 6:00 with my throat on fire. . . at which point she tells me that I shouldn't be running. Mind you, we're not even 1/2 mile into the run and so I lie and tell her I'm feeling just fine. By the time we reach the front lot to pick up S- and H- I'm feeling better and it's a beautiful morning, so what's there to co...

10 Miles Bike

So, it was a perfect morning for a run but I decided to get that nasty bit of work out of the way first. An hours worth of work turned into 4 and by the time I was ready to step away from the coffee cup and editing it was fast approaching noon. I puttered a bit and then decided to hop on the trainer for a nice ride. Hell, I've been running stronger this past week and part of me suspects this has something to do with the cross-training. Hey, it can't hurt. My legs still feel like Jello when I'm done and if I take the time to lift and do some ab work it's probably a better workout and keeps me off my feet. Tomorrow I have 16 in the AM - I'm excited!

4 miles

Today was kind of a whirlwind run. It was the kind of day at work that I really resented being so good at my job. By degree I'm a cultural anthropologist; by trade I'm a technical editor. . . when I get my hands on a document I see things the way a composer sees the notes, or the way an artist looks at a canvas. It's really uncanny and annoying because when I see a tiny detail to change, 'oh, it'll only take me 10 minutes.' turns into a whole revamping of the document. . . whew! That is neither here nor there. After getting lost in my work and missing my afternoon snack AND failed to drink my daily requirement for water (!!!!) I rushed out at 4:55 to meet with C- the newcomer to our little running circle for a quick and easy 4-miler. I should mention that C- is a young Marine who runs at least 1.5 - if not 2 min/mile faster than me. It was a good run, good temps - definitely one to put down as a 'tempo' run. Let's see, tomorrow is Friday. I...


Just ran 5 amazing miles. I've been slacking recently; having an absolutely horrible marathon two weeks ago pretty much sums up any and all excuses. Instead of listening to those excuses, and the many others which have found their way into my repertoire, I tore out the door tonight and ran 5 miles in 42 minutes. Don't ask me how I did it. I suspect that it being 50 degrees and perfect out had something to do with it. Perhaps it also had something to do with the mere fact that I seem to run better in the dark. Tomorrow I have 4 scheduled - let's hope it goes just as smooth.