
Showing posts from June, 2008

Run Amuck

It’s been a few days since I’ve been able to run. It’s difficult to run when you’re wounded, which I am, and so I’m in a convalescence mode of sorts. Saturday was the MCM, Run Amuck, where the whole mess started. There I was, minding my own business and wham – I went flying off a tire and face first into the trail. Fortunately, I caught myself on my knee and within seconds I was up and running again. This should say something about my nature – she falls down, she gets up – which more often than not leaves me wide open to the obvious, rendering me oblivious. Instead of stopping and/or protecting my injury I drag myself through a barbed wire crawl and then through a knee-deep mud pit. I had the sense to have it cleaned and examined in the Medic tent, but by then the damage was done. For two days I endured a swollen mess that was my knee and only after it continued to look like Rudolph’s nose with the flu did I ask a doctor to, ‘have a look.’ Currently on extra-strength antibiotics and st...


So I woke up ~3AM with an intense pain in my left knee. I can't tell if it's from the colder weather or from accidentally ramming it into something which I am prone to do. At any rate it's interfering with my sleep and therefore my ability to wake up to run in the morning. We'll see how the race this weekend goes. Running Amuck

4 miles

Ran 4 miles this morning- my quads are killing me from these strength training exercises. My knee is also starting to hurt. Hoping to kayak tonight.

4 miles

Ran a quick miles this morning and then kayaked tonight. Ran the loop through the neighborhood and saw P- with a friend. It was a good morning for a run but man oh man am I tired. My quads hurt from the strengthening exercises. I need to get my calendar sorted out soon for the Fall marathon season.

4 miles

Another 4 miles this morning - decided not to meet the group and run trails but rather do a few solo miles before our 8:00AM meeting. I felt really productive today, up and running, and showered and out the door before 8AM is really empowering.

4 miles

4 easy miles up to the track, ran 4 loops and home. Still too warm but need to acclimate and the only way to do so is to put myself out there, walk when I need to cool down, and just get to it.

8 Miles

It was a good morning for a run - decided to run my old loop; well, a modified version. 1/2 up Hanover 4 loops down Sunken to Canal path and out River trails Had some nice eye candy pass me but alas I caught up to them. I'm guessing they're college boys in training for the summer. :~).

4 miles

So, I think that I'm back in training....for better or worse I think that I'm finally out of the malaise which convinced me to stay in bed instead of run, or worse.... not even stretch or swim... So here we go - autumn racing schedule to be posted soon.