
Showing posts from July, 2009

Training again. . ..

This past Sunday was a local 5k during which I decided to start training seriously again. As we were warming up the thought occurred to me that it was two summers ago that I began to train for my first marathon. Bear in mind that I knew nothing about training or the level of commitment required to run a marathon but, as with most things in my life, I jumped in feet first and asked questions later. The past couple of weeks have been an experiment in cross-training; swimming, biking, and running. Body feels good - now to throw some speed work and hills back into the mix, along with more mileage per week. . . and we're good to go.

MCM 2009

Once again I’ve decided to participate in the Marine Corps Marathon with Fisher House. Two years ago I began running to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the accident in which I fractured both of my femurs, ankle, and wrist, and which left me on life support with questionable odds for recovery. There is at least one Fisher House at every major military medical center to assist families in need and to ensure that they are provided with the comforts of home in a supportive environment. Annually, the Fisher House program serves more than 12k families. This year, we will honor the memory of LCpl Chance Phelps. In conjunction with the Chance Phelps Foundation, the 2009 team will "Run4Chance" and build a Fisher House in Salt Lake City. This is why I run in support of Fisher House.