
Showing posts from March, 2009

Shamrock 2009

Shamrock 2009 Race Report Writing this because everyone keeps asking how it went so will start at the beginning. Sometime in December I remember sending out an email inquiring who was running Shamrock. Not many people responded but enough did to convince me to try running it again in 2009 because 2008 literally sucked (even if it was a marathon PR for me). On Saturday, my friend Trina drove us down to Virginia Beach; made the expo just in the nick of time to pick up my race packet and then jetted over to ‘Pi’zzeria for dinner with Jamie and Becky. Becky was running her first ½ marathon and Jamie was running it with her. While we waited for our table we got to talking, and drinking and talking and somehow convinced Trina to run the ½ marathon with absolutely no training. Fast forward-hotel was too warm, bar next door was boom, booming until 0200 so had a very restless night. Was also very worried about what we’d talked Trina into. Race morning 0600, alarm goes off. Wake up, get dressed,...